Sunday, May 9, 2010

On my way...

well, it's been a long eight months, but I'm DONE!!
Here's a sample of some of the work I've done for my Gradshow demo reel.
I'll be posting a tightened up version of my Reel soon.


  1. Oh man.
    That Cap looks unbelievable.
    Wish I coulda been there, man.
    Same with the parentals.

    So good!

  2. Sweet! I really like your design of Cap, nice touch with the A on his forehead being a scar. Nice stuff!

  3. Thanks!
    The design is from a Marvel series called Earth X

    I'd like to set up the model to be animated, but it might take a bit of time.

  4. fantastic models. Would be fun to animate all of them

  5. yay Mike! when's your reel gonna be up, huh huh?
